


CPJ urges Sri Lankan ambassador to investigate attacks

New York, March 6, 2009–A delegation from the Committee to Protect Journalists met yesterday with the Sri Lankan Ambassador to the United States and called for a comprehensive and transparent investigation into a series of recent attacks against the press that may have involved government forces. 

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Tissainayagam and colleagues in Sri Lankan jail for one year

New York, March 6, 2009–The Sri Lankan government should release a journalist and his two colleagues who have spent a year behind bars on terrorism charges for publishing magazine articles, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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Belarusian journalist harassed, denied press accreditation

New York, March 5, 2009–The Committee to Protect Journalists called on Belarusian authorities to renew work credentials for Andrzej Poczobut, a local correspondent for Poland’s largest daily, Gazeta Wyborcza, and to investigate recent harassment of him and his family in the western city of Hrodno. Poczobut’s credentials were pulled after he reported on the policies…

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Blogger faces criminal defamation charges in Morocco

New York, March 5, 2009–The Committee to Protect Journalists calls for the immediate release of a Moroccan blogger who is being held on charges of defaming a prosecutor in the northern part of the country.

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CPJ circulates petition for release of Roxana Saberi

New York, March 5, 2009–The Committee to Protect Journalists has seen a groundswell of support for Roxana Saberi, an American journalist who is being held without charge at Tehran’s Evin prison, through its Facebook petition. Saberi, 31, was detained at the end of January and has not been heard from since February 10. She is…

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Independent journalist in Havana detained without charge

New York, March 4, 2009–An independent Cuban journalist arrested on Sunday should have the charges against him made public or he should be released immediately, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. He was picked up on the eve of the sixth anniversary of the crackdown against Cuba’s independent press.

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Independent journalist stabbed in Bishkek

New York, March 3, 2009–An unidentified attacker stabbed a reporter outside his newsroom in Kyrgyzstan’s capital, Bishkek, today, according to the regional news site Ferghana.

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Two journalists released in West Bank, one still in prison

New York, March 3, 2009–The Committee to Protect Journalists called for the immediate release of a journalist who has been detained since late January by the Palestinian Authority (PA) after its release of another journalist in the West Bank on Monday.

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U.S. journalist held at Tehran’s Evin prison

New York, March 3, 2009–A spokesman for Iran’s judiciary said at a press conference today that freelance U.S. journalist Roxana Saberi is being held at Tehran’s Evin prison, where political prisoners are routinely detained, according to international news reports. Saberi is an American citizen as well as an Iranian national.

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U.S. journalist held in Iran without charge

New York, March 2, 2009–The Committee to Protect Journalists called on the Iranian government today to explain why it has held American freelance journalist Roxana Saberi for over a month without revealing her location or charging her with a crime. 

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