


JANUARY 29, 2005 Posted: March 28, 2005 Zhang Lin, Freelance IMPRISONED, LEGAL ACTION Zhang, a political essayist who wrote regularly for overseas online news sites, was detained on his return to Anhui Province after traveling to Beijing to mourn the death of Zhao Ziyang, the ousted general secretary of the Communist Party.

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JANUARY 29, 2005 Posted: February 4, 2005 Maximo “Max” Quindao, Mindanao Truck ATTACKED Gunmen shot Quindao, publisher and editor of the weekly newspaper Mindanao Truck, four times in the chest as he left his office in Mindanao’s Tagum City, leaving the journalist severely injured.

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JANUARY 28, 2005 Posted: February 7, 2005 HornAfrik Radio ATTACKED Two unidentified men threw two grenades at the premises of private radio station HornAfrik in the capital, Mogadishu, at around 10 p.m., according to local press freedom group SOJON. The grenades exploded, but the station confirmed that there were no serious casualties or serious damage…

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JANUARY 27, 2005 Posted: February 2, 2005 Jeremias Langa, STV THREATENED Two men commandeered Langa’s car in the capital, Maputo, forced him to drive around the city for a half hour, held guns to his head, and threatened to kill him, according to a statement from the private television station STV, where Langa works as…

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JANUARY 23, 2005 Posted: January 27, 2005 William Nessen, freelance HARASSED Authorities detained Nessen at Polonia Airport in the northern Sumatran city of Medan after the American journalist visited the tsunami-ravaged province of Aceh. Nessen was flown to Jakarta and deported on the following day, January 24. He had previously been jailed in Aceh for…

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JANUARY 21, 2005 Posted: February 2, 2005 Lúcio Flávio Pinto, Jornal Pessoal ATTACKED Pinto, the publisher and editor of the small bimonthly Jornal Pessoal in the city of Belém, in the northern state of Pará, said he was at a restaurant having lunch with friends on Friday, January 21, when Ronaldo Maiorana, a businessman and…

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JANUARY 20, 2005 Posted February 7, 2005 Eastern PilotCENSORED State Security Service (SSS) agents raided newsstands and harassed vendors selling copies of the local tabloid Eastern Pilot in the southeastern city of Enugu. The SSS also detained and questioned Clement Egbuche, the Enugu chairman of the Newspapers Vendors’ Association of Nigeria, and searched his office,…

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JANUARY 19, 2005 Posted: March 1, 2005 Julio Jara Ladrón de Guevara, El Comercio LEGAL ACTION Jara, editor and publisher of the daily El Comercio, based in the southern city of Cusco, was convicted of criminal defamation charges brought by a former government official. He received a one-year suspended sentence.

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JANUARY 18, 2005 Posted: February 2, 2005 Canal Kin TV Canal Congo TV Radio Liberté Kinshasa CENSORED Officials cut the transmissions of two private television stations and a radio station owned by Vice President Jean-Pierre Bemba—Canal Kin TV (CKTV), Canal Congo TV (CCTV), and Radio Liberté Kinshasa (RALIK).

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JANUARY 18, 2005 Posted: February 2, 2005 All Media CENSORED A memo issued by DRC Information Minister Henri Mova Sakanyi states that “religious and thematic” broadcasters should refrain from airing all news and political programs and orders the suspension of all live phone-in programs.

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