


An Iraqi journalist in America: California pilgrimage

I couldn’t say anything. I didn’t want to blink and waste a single moment of looking at the beach and the Pacific. I had never seen an ocean. If I could set up a tent on the sand, I thought, I could stay there forever. I have loved the seas, rivers, and oceans since I studied…

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Ecuadoran president threatens action against critical media

New York, June 4, 2009–The opening of two government investigations into private television network Teleamazonas and threats of legal action by Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa against critical media outlets are an attempt by the government to stifle dissent, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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CPJ, IFEX members seek support in Lee, Ling case

Forty members of the International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX) have signed on to a letter calling on the international community to press for the release of journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling

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Following death threats, journalist leaves Colombia

Carlos Serrano, director and radio host for the Bogotá-based Radio Diversia, left Colombia on May 11, 2009, after receiving death threats against him and other reporters from the radio station, according to local news reports and CPJ interviews 

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Colombia must investigate spying allegations

In response to a story in the Miami daily El Nuevo Herald that Colombian journalists’ e-mails and phone calls with international human rights and press freedom groups, including the Committee to Protect Journalists, were monitored by Colombian national intelligence, we issued the following statement today…

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As Cairo speech nears, concerns for Obama

Dear Mr. President: The Committee to Protect Journalists is writing ahead of your scheduled speech in Cairo on June 4 to bring to your attention important matters that are crucial to the long-term success of your stated goal of engaging the people–and not just the regimes–of the Arab and Muslim worlds.

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CPJ urges talks to free journalists held in North Korea

We released a statement today after the families of two U.S. journalists being held in North Korea spoke publicly for the first time. The families of Current TV journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee appeared on NBC’s “Today” show this morning. Our statement follows:

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In seeking reprisals against media, Chávez hurts democracy

New York, May 29, 2009–President Hugo Chávez Frías is damaging Venezuelan democracy by continuing to threaten private media with reprisals and making unwarranted accusations against the press, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. 

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CPJ hails conviction in 2003 journalist murder in Brazil

New York, May 28, 2009–The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes Wednesday’s conviction in the June 2003 murder of Brazilian journalist Nicanor Linhares but calls on the authorities to ensure that all those involved in the killing of the radio host are brought to justice. 

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Cuban journalist in second week of hunger strike

Cuban dissidents–both on and off the island–have been blasting the news of Víctor Rolando Arroyo’s 12-day hunger strike. In a matter of hours, CPJ received three concerned e-mails from Havana and Miami. In the meantime, foreign-based Cuban news Web sites plastered the story across the Internet. 

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