A relative mourns the killing of two journalists in Dhaka. (AP/Sazid Hossain)

In Bangladesh, no motive, arrests in double murder

New York, February 13, 2012–The Committee to Protect Journalists mourns the death of two TV journalists in Dhaka and calls on Bangladeshi authorities to act speedily to bring the perpetrators to justice.

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Journalists from Al-Wasat newspaper leave a Bahraini court after being fined US$2,650 each for publishing false news. (Reuters/Hamad I Mohammed)

A year of repression: Bahrain continues crackdown on press

In the year since peaceful protests began in Bahrain on February 14, 2011, the government has targeted the press corps with assault, detention, harassment, and torture to obstruct their coverage. My organization, the Gulf Centre for Human Rights, has documented a systematic campaign by authorities to silence coverage of our country’s unrest. Here are just…

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Brazilian journalist killed, second in a week

New York, February 13, 2012–Brazilian authorities must conduct a thorough and swift investigation into the murder of journalist Paulo Roberto Cardoso Rodrigues, who was gunned down on Sunday night, the Committee to Protect Journalists said. It was the second slaying of a Brazilian journalist in less than week.

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CPJ calls for media reforms in China

Dear President Obama: When you meet with Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping tomorrow at the White House, we urge you to raise concerns about media restrictions in China.

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Ludovici, Alwi, and Mackell have been detained on suspicion of bribing Egyptians to stage protests. (AFP)

Australian journalist, translator detained in Egypt

New York, February 13, 2012–Egyptian authorities should immediately release detained Australian journalist Austin Mackell, his translator, and an American student traveling with them, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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Russia expels French journalist for interviewing opposition

New York, February 13, 2012–The expulsion of prominent French journalist and author Anne Nivat from Russia today, on alleged violation of her visa status, indicates an increasingly restrictive environment for journalists in the lead-up to Russia’s presidential election, said the Committee to Protect Journalists.

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Brazil set to test Twitter’s selective blocking policy

I’ve been telling reporters that Twitter’s new national blocking policy was like Chekhov’s gun. Its recent appearance inevitably prefigured its future use.

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The body of Brazilian journalist Mario Randolfo Marques Lopes was found on Thursday. (Facebook)

Journalist who covered corruption murdered in Brazil

New York, February 10, 2012–The body of Brazilian journalist Mario Randolfo Marques Lopes was found on Thursday in the city of Barra do Piraí in Rio de Janeiro state, according to news reports. Randolfo reported on local corruption and had survived at least one attempt on his life in recent years, news reports said.

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Old issues, new debates on Internet freedom in India

Just how free should the Internet be in India? And whose job is it to police the Web? Two recent court cases turn on these questions and, more specifically, whether Internet companies have a responsibility to filter content. In a country where Internet usage is growing exponentially, but where the scars of communal violence, terrorism,…

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Police chase supporters of former President Mohamed Nasheed, who resigned on Tuesday. (AP/Sinan Hussain)

In Maldives, political standoff threatens safety of press

New York, February 10, 2012–The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on all parties involved in the ongoing political dispute in Maldives to respect the role of the media in covering the protests and stop the attacks on journalists and news outlets. After political violence escalated in the wake of former President Mohamed Nasheed’s resignation on…

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