
379 results

Attacks on the Press 2010: Turkey

Top Developments • Authorities use anti-terror, defamation, security laws to prosecute journalists. • EU criticizes press record, citing prosecutions, insufficient legal guarantees. Key Statistic 0: Convictions obtained in the 2007 slaying of editor Hrant Dink. Authorities paraded journalists into court on anti-terror, criminal defamation, and state security charges as they tried to suppress critical news…

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Attacks on the Press 2010: Yemen

Top Developments • Special press and security courts are used to silence probing journalists. • Redlines bar critical coverage of civil unrest, terrorism, corruption. Key Statistic 29: Days that reporter Abulelah Shaea was held incommunicado after being seized by security agents. The government pursued a widening array of repressive tactics, prompting many journalists to say…

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Attacks on the Press 2010: Middle East and North Africa Developments

ATTACKS ON THE PRESS: 2010 • Main Index Middle East and North Africa: • Suppression Under the Cover of National Security Country Summaries • Egypt • Iran • Iraq • Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory • Lebanon • Morocco • Sudan • Tunisia • Turkey • Yemen • Other nations ALGERIA In September, police…

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Al-Jazeera staffers in the network's offices in Kuwait today. Authorities shut the bureau down on Monday after it covered a violent police crackdown on a meeting of opposition lawmakers. (Gustavo Ferrari/AP)

CPJ condemns closure of Al-Jazeera’s office in Kuwait

New York, December 13, 2010–The Kuwaiti Ministry of Information announced today it has shut down Al-Jazeera’s office in Kuwait, the official Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) reported. The ministry also withdrew press accreditation from all of Al-Jazeera’s local staff. The suspension came after the Doha-based pan-Arab news satellite station aired live footage of Kuwaiti police cracking down on…

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Moroccan authorities impeding Spanish journalists

New York, November 9, 2010–The Committee to Protect Journalists is alarmed by an increasing climate of hostility for Spanish journalists in Morocco, highlighted by official measures to prevent Spanish journalists from covering clashes in the Western Sahara. CPJ calls on Rabat to allow journalists to do their work unimpeded.

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Algeria harasses two Moroccan journalists

New York, September 24, 2010–The Committee to Protect Journalists denounces Algerian authorities’ harassment of two Moroccan journalists who were effectively detained for four days in the town of Tindouf in southwestern Algeria.

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Moroccan editor given politicized prison sentence

New York, June 15, 2010—The Committee to Protect Journalists called on the Moroccan judiciary today to overturn a prison sentence given Friday to Taoufik Bouachrine, editor of the independent daily Akhbar al-Youm, on politicized criminal charges.

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CPJ Impact

March 2010News from the Committee to Protect Journalists

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Tunisian airport officials confiscate CPJ publications

On Saturday, Tunis airport customs officials confiscated two copies of CPJ’s annual report, Attacks on the Press, as well as five copies of the Arabic-language translation of the Middle East and North Africa section of the book from Tunisian rights lawyer Mohamed Abbou and journalist Lotfi Hidouri on their return from Morocco, the two men told CPJ. 

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Attacks on the Press 2009

A Worldwide Survey by the Committee to Protect Journalists Table of Contents Preface by Fareed Zakaria Introduction by Joel Simon Journalists Killed Journalists in Prison Regional Analyses AFRICA: In African hot spots, journalists forced into exile AMERICAS: In the Americas, Big Brother is watching reporters ASIA: As fighting surges, so does danger to press EUROPE…

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