hong kong

875 results

China: Jailed software entrepreneur was secretly freed last September

New York, March 6, 2000 — CPJ has confirmed the early release of Lin Hai, the Shanghai software entrepreneur who was sentenced to two years’ imprisonment on subversion charges in January 1999, for providing 30,000 e-mail addresses to VIP Reference, a pro-democracy online magazine. Lin was quietly released on September 23, 1999, six months ahead…

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Pakistan: The Press for Change

A Special Report

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Our People

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Board of Directors

CPJ’s board of directors is comprised of journalists, media executives, and leaders from related professions. They provide strategic guidance to the organization, participate in advocacy missions, and facilitate meetings, including some with high-level government officials. Senior Advisers CPJ’s senior advisers include leading journalists and others whose advice and service greatly benefit the organization.

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Malaysian Election Special: Democracy How?

Mahathir wins election, stifles media Also in this report: A. Lin Neumann discusses the Malaysian press on the eve of elections in a news analysis. In an exclusive essay for CPJ, Far Eastern Economic Review correspondent Murray Hiebert recounts his ordeal at the hands of the Malaysian legal system.

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High court jails Canadian journalist for contempt

Your Excellency, The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is outraged by the Malaysian Court of Appeal’s decision to imprison Far Eastern Economic Review correspondent Murray Hiebert for contempt of court. Hiebert’s sentencing makes Malaysia the only Commonwealth country to have imprisoned a journalist on contempt charges in half a century, according to his lawyers.

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Zhu Rongji Urges Watchdog Role for China’s Press Recent Crackdown on Journalists Sends More Ominous Message

“When Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji visited the United States in April on a nine-day, six-city tour designed to cultivate support for China’s membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO), he was so media-friendly that he deflected serious attention from his country’s abysmal press freedom record. He started his public relations campaign almost as soon as…

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CPJ to Receive $650K from Knight Foundation

New York, N.Y., March 25, 1999 — The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) will receive $650,000 over three years in support of its programs responding to attacks on journalists, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation announced today. The grant, its second to CPJ, will bring to $950,000 Knight Foundation’s total giving over five…

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Attacks on the Press in 1998

CPJ Confirms 472 Journalists Killed, 1989-1998 Attacks on the Press in 1998 Introduction: Attacks on the Press 1998 Preface: Attacks on the Press 1998 Africa Overview: Attacks on the Press 1998 Angola: Attacks on the Press 1998 Burkina: Attacks on the Press 1998 Burundi: Attacks on the Press 1998 Cameroon: Attacks on the Press 1998…

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CPJ Welcomes Release of Gao Yu, Urges China to Free Other 11 Imprisoned Journalists

New York, N.Y., Feb. 16, 1999 — The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) welcomed the release of Chinese journalist Gao Yu on Monday after five years’ imprisonment in Beijing, while cautioning that China’s press freedom climate has worsened in recent months. At least 11 people remain in prison there on journalism-related charges. CPJ called on…

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