azimjon askarov

132 results

Australian Broadcasting Corporation Editorial Director Craig McMurtrie speaks to the media as Australian police raid the headquarters of public broadcaster in Sydney on June 5, 2019. (AFP/Peter Parks)

Troubling police raids on Australian journalists

In the past week, the Australian Federal Police twice targeted the media in the country in connection with leak investigations. On Tuesday, Annika Smethurst, a politics editor for the Sunday Telegraph, had her home raided and her property, computer, and cellphone searched. One day later, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation headquarters in Sydney was raided in…

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CPJ Executive Director Joel Simon talks about global press freedom violations during a Press Behind Bars panel at the U.N. (Reuters)

CPJ’s Joel Simon speaks at Press Behind Bars panel

Committee to Protect Journalists Executive Director Joel Simon addressed a panel event at the 73rd session of the U.N. General Assembly in New York on September 28, 2018. The event highlighted global press freedom violations and the jailing of journalists in countries around the world, with a specific focus on cases in Egypt, Kyrgyzstan, Bangladesh,…

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CPJ Executive Director Joel Simon talks about global press freedom violations during a Press Behind Bars panel at the U.N. (Reuters)

Press Behind Bars event highlights journalists imprisoned around the world

New York, September 28, 2018–At a panel discussion held today during the U.N. General Assembly, the Committee to Protect Journalists denounced several countries for imprisoning journalists, and others for failing to admonish those that do. The event highlighted global press freedom challenges, with specific emphasis on Myanmar, Bangladesh, Egypt, and Kyrgyzstan.

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Press Behind Bars: Undermining Justice and Democracy

Journalists are being imprisoned at record numbers around the world. They are regularly threatened, attacked, and killed, which undermines not only their own fundamental human rights, but also the public’s right to receive and impart information. The past two years have seen record numbers of journalists imprisoned for their work, yet there has been little…

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CPJ launches 2018 Free the Press postcard campaign

Five imprisoned journalists highlighted New York, April 2, 2018–The Committee to Protect Journalists today launched its annual Free The Press campaign to raise awareness of journalists imprisoned worldwide. This year, the campaign highlights five journalists jailed for their work. Supporters are encouraged to send physical or digital postcards so that the journalists know they are…

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Free the Press

#FreeThePress   Turkey Zehra Dogan Imprisoned 623 days Released   Egypt Alaa Abdelfattah Imprisoned 1,614 days Released   Republic of Congo Ghys Fortuné Dombé Bemba Imprisoned 538 days Released   Kyrgyzstan Azimjon Askarov Deceased   China Ding Lingjie Released Art by Jack Forbes. When journalists are silenced, society suffers. As of December 2017, a record…

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Supporters of detained opposition politician Omurbek Tekebayev protest in the Kyrgyzstan's capital Bishkek, in February. A media group that reported on comments by Tekebayev is facing five separate charges of insulting the president. (AFP/Vyacheslav Oseledko)

Kyrgyzstan holds three trials in one day against independent outlet

New York, June 29, 2017–Kyrgyzstan should drop all charges against the independent media organization ProMedia and its co-founder, Naryn Idinov, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. A Bishkek district court held three separate hearings today into charges of insult made against ProMedia, which runs the independent online news agency Zanoza, and Idinov who edits…

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President Almazbek Atambayev, pictured at a press conference in 2013. In recent weeks, the Kyrgyz leader verbally assaulted several critical journalists during a speech to foreign ambassadors. (AFP/Vyacheslav Oseldko)

In pivotal election year Kyrgyz media face verbal assaults from president and legal action

In Kyrgyzstan, once Central Asia’s most liberal country, President Almazbek Atambayev is tightening his grip on critical voices, including independent journalists and foreign media.

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2016 prison census: 259 journalists jailed worldwide

As of December 1, 2016 Analysis: Turkey’s crackdown leads to record high | CPJ Methodology | Blog: Imprisoned in Panama | Blog: Weighing China cases | Video: Turkey: A Prison For Journalists | Video: Prison Census 2016

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China, Egypt imprison record numbers of journalists

Egypt is second only to China as the world’s worst jailer of journalists in 2015. Worldwide, the number of journalists behind bars for their work declined moderately during the year, but a handful of countries continue to use systematic imprisonment to silence criticism. A CPJ special report by Elana Beiser

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