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CPJ protests continued harassment of independent journalist

Your Excellency, The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is outraged by your government’s continuing harassment of Andrew Meldrum, Zimbabwe correspondent for the U.K.-based Guardian newspaper. Immigration officials ordered him today to leave the country.

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Reporter ordered to leave

New York, May 16, 2003—Andrew Meldrum, Zimbabwe correspondent for the U.K.-based Guardian newspaper, was ordered today by immigration officials in the capital, Harare, to leave the country. Meldrum went to the Department of Immigration today at 10:00 a.m. for a scheduled meeting with officials, where he was informed he had to leave Zimbabwe. Outside the…

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Guardian reporter deported

New York, May 16, 2003—Zimbabwean immigration officials today deported Andrew Meldrum, Zimbabwe correspondent for the U.K.-based Guardian newspaper, from the country. Officials at Harare Airport forced Meldrum onto a London-bound Air Zimbabwe flight, ignoring a high court order staying the reporter’s deportation and instructing authorities to produce Meldrum for a court hearing on his expulsion.…

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Sudanese journalist detained without charge for 10 days Newspaper suspended

New York, May 15, 2003—The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is alarmed by recent measures taken against the press in Sudan, including the arrest of one journalist and the closure of a newspaper. Noureddin Madani, editor of the daily Al-Sahafa, told CPJ that Yousef al-Bashir Moussa, the newspaper’s correspondent in the city of Nyala, (about…

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COLÔMBIA: Dois jornalistas buscam refúgio na capitalUm foi baleado e o outro recebeu ameaças de morte

Bogotá, Colômbia, 12 de maio de 2003—O Comitê para a Proteção dos Jornalistas (CPJ, por sua sigla em inglês) está preocupado com dois jornalistas colombianos que abandonaram suas casas. Um escapou de ser baleado e o outro recebeu ameaças de morte. Ambos informavam com freqüência sobre a guerra civil de quase quatro décadas no país,…

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Independent journalist harassed

New York, May 8, 2003—The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is concerned for the safety of Andrew Meldrum, Zimbabwe correspondent for the U.K.-based newspaper The Guardian. A group of immigration officers visited the journalist’s home unannounced yesterday evening and demanded to speak with Meldrum, according to his wife.

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COLÔMBIA: O CPJ preocupado por assassinatos e ameaças

Excelencia: O Comitê para a Proteção dos Jornalistas (CPJ, por sua sigla em inglês) está alarmado pela rápida escalada de violência contra a imprensa na Colômbia nos últimos meses. Além de uma onda de ameaças que fomentaram um clima de temor nos meios de comunicação, dois jornalistas foram assassinados esta semana em ataques separados. Na…

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Crackdown on the Independent Press in Cuba

Manuel Vázquez Portal’s Prison Diary

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Crackdown on the Independent Press in Cuba

El escritor y poeta Manuel Vázquez Portal es uno de los 29 periodistas independientes que fueron detenidos, procesados y sentenciados a penas de prisión de entre 14 y 27 años. En las filas de la prensa independiente desde 1995, en enero de 1999 Vázquez Portal, junto a otros periodistas, fundó la agencia noticiosa independiente Grupo…

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National media outlets agree to curb reporting on terrorism

New York, April 11, 2003—The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is concerned about the “Anti-Terrorist Convention,” which was signed on Tuesday, April 8, by directors of several leading national broadcast media outlets, who agreed to accept voluntary restrictions on their coverage of terrorism and anti-terrorist government operations. The media executives who signed the agreement (click…

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