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MAY 18, 2005 Posted: June 10, 2005 Kanak Mani Dixit, Himal Khabarpatrika Guna Raj Luitel, Kantipur, Yubaraj Ghimire, Samay Tara Nath Dahal, Federation of Nepalese Journalists HARASSED

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Journalist abducted and TV tower attacked

New York, May 18, 2005—The Committee to Protect Journalists is gravely concerned about the safety of reporter Som Sharma, who was abducted from his residence in the eastern district of Ilam late last week. The abduction is one of several serious attacks on the press in recent days by both Maoist rebels and the government.…

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MAY 4, 2005 Posted: May 17, 2005 Respublika Delovoye Obozreniye CENSORED The Kazakh Culture, Information, and Sports Ministry ordered the closing of the leading opposition weekly Respublika Delovoye Obozreniye (Republic Business Review).

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Imprisoned journalist Jiang Weiping in ill health

New York, May 17, 2005—The Committee to Protect Journalists is appalled by the recent deterioration in the health care and prison conditions provided to Jiang Weiping, an investigative journalist now serving his fifth year in jail. Prison authorities have barred Jiang from making phone calls during recent months and have denied him permission to read…

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Disappeared: Guy-André Kieffer missing in Ivory Coast

Politics, money, and the press stir a mysterious case. By Julia Crawford

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Under Stress

News organizations step up help for journalists who encounter trauma.

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U.S. photographer released after two weeks in custody

New York, May 11, 2005—A U.S. photographer was released from custody yesterday after being detained by Sudanese authorities in Darfur two weeks ago, the U.S. daily The Hartford Courant reported today. Sudanese security forces detained Brad Clift on April 26 while he was taking photographs at an internally displaced persons camp outside Nyala, capital of…

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Information Ministry orders closure of opposition weekly

New York, May 10, 2005 – CPJ condemns the closure of the leading opposition weekly Respublika Delovoye Obozreniye (Republic Business Review) by The Kazakh Culture, Information, and Sports Ministry. Last Thursday in Almaty, Kazakhstan’s financial capital, Galina Dyrdina, the weekly’s deputy editor told a press conference that editorial staff will not publish the paper’s next…

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One hundred days after coup, CPJ urges Nepal’s king to restore free press

Your Majesty: Nearly 100 days after Your Majesty dismissed the government and curtailed civil liberties, press freedom has not been restored. Your Majesty has not lifted a ban on reporting that goes “against the letter and spirit” of your February 1 proclamation. A ban on FM radio news broadcasting remains in place, depriving rural citizens of their only source of independent news. And your government continues to harass and intimidate journalists.

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MAY 8, 2005 Posted: June 10, 2005 Zéphirin Kaya, Radio Ndeke Luka Patrick Akibata, Radio Ndeke Luka Maka Gbossokotto, Le Citoyen THREATENED Kaya, Akibata and Gbossokotto received death threats following critical coverage of the second round of presidential and parliamentary elections on May 8. Reinhard Moser, head of independent station Radio Ndeke Luka, and Le…

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