
1545 results

Kashmir blast kills photographer

Dear Mr. Salahuddin: The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) condemns yesterday’s bomb attack in Srinagar, which killed one journalist and seriously injured at least six others. Pradeep Bhatia, a photographer for the Indian newspaper The Hindustan Times, was one of twelve people killed in the attack, police told reporters today.

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Radio Interference

Why does the president of Kenya want to ban private vernacular broadcasting?

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Kenya: President moves to ban vernacular broadcasting

Your Excellency: The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is disturbed by your stated intention of banning private radio stations from broadcasting in Kenya’s vernacular languages. On August 31, 2000, at the opening of the Agricultural Society of Kenya show in Mombasa, you accused private stations that broadcast in languages other than English and Kiswahili, Kenya’s two official languages, of undermining national unity and promoting tribal chauvinism. You also ordered Attorney General Amos Wako and Information, Transport, and Communication Minister Musalia Mudavadi to draft legislation that would force private stations to broadcast only in English and Kiswahili.

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Militants bomb two publications in Manipur

Your Excellency: The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is deeply disturbed by the August 26 bombing attack on the offices of two publications in Imphal, Manipur. The attack comes just one week after newspaper editor Thounaojam Brajamani Singh was assassinated on the streets of Imphal.

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Editor murdered in Manipur

Your Excellency: The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is alarmed by the murder of Thounaojam Brajamani Singh, editor of the English-language daily Manipur News, who was killed yesterday in Manipur State.

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Bangladesh: Gunmen kill journalist in his office

Your Excellency: The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) condemns yesterday’s assassination of veteran journalist Shamsur Rahman, special correspondent of the Bengali-language national daily Janakantha, and urges your government to ensure that the perpetrators of this terrible crime are brought to justice.

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Two journalists killed by gunmen; two others wounded

Click here to read more about press freedom conditions in SIERRA LEONE New York, May 24, 2000 — The Committee to Protect Journalists is outraged by the latest murderous attack on journalists in Sierra Leone, which claimed the lives of two western journalists and left two others injured on Wednesday, according to news agencies and…

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Pakistan: Journalist murdered by local gagster

Your Excellency: The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) condemns the May 2 murder of Sufi Mohammad Khan, an investigative reporter with the Daily Ummat Karachi. While we are relieved that the gunman and two accomplices are now in police custody, we believe, based on interviews with local sources, that others involved in this crime may still be at large. We call on you to ensure that a complete and impartial investigation is carried out.

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2011 Impunity Index Data

cccccc ffffff ffffff 13 dddddd 330000 90 1 – 13 aa9988 Iraq]]> Unsolved Murders: 92 Population: 31.5m Index Rank: 1 1 /reports/map/circle.swf?n=1&c=f90000 35,43.679291 /killed/mideast/iraq/murder.php 45 Somalia]]> Unsolved Murders: 10 Population: 9.1m Index Rank: 2 2 /reports/map/circle.swf?n=2&c=f60000 3,43.679291 /killed/africa/somalia/murder.php 43 Philippines]]> Unsolved Murders: 56 Population: 92m Index Rank: 3 3 /reports/map/circle.swf?n=3&c=f30000 12.879721,121.774017 /killed/asia/philippines/murder.php 41 Sri Lanka]]>…

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Editor, writer jailed for “exciting disaffection”

Your Excellency: The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is deeply disturbed by the imprisonment of Nongthonbam Biren, chief editor of the Manipuri-language daily Naharolgi Thoudang, and Thounaojam Iboyaima, the author of a speech recently published in the newspaper.

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