

Laurent Gbagbo speaks at a news conference at his party headquarters in Abidjan in November. (Reuters/Luc Gnago)

Ivory Coast using media regulation to censor critics

New York, February 10, 2011–Incumbent Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo has moved to silence critical media under the guise of media regulation, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today, following a week in which Gbagbo’s administration tightened control over the official print media regulatory agency and ordered United Nations-sponsored radio network ONUCI FM off the air.

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Davari (RAHANA)

More than 1,000 supporters urge Iran to end crackdown

New York, February 10, 2011–As Iran marks the 32nd anniversary of the country’s revolution on February 11, the Committee to Protect Journalists and more than 1,000 press freedom supporters delivered a clear message to Iranian Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei today: Free your country’s imprisoned journalists.

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Guatemalan journalist threatened after corruption probe

New York, February 9, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned about the safety of Guatemalan television journalist Oscar de León, who has received multiple death threats and had his van shot at in the southwestern municipality of Quetzaltenango, according to news reports and CPJ interviews. De León, a correspondent for the private national Guatevisión…

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Protesters in Tahrir Square. (AP/Emilio Morenatti)

Government obstruction, intimidation continues in Cairo

New York, February 9, 2011–Egyptian authorities are obstructing international news coverage of the country’s political crisis by withholding press credentials and, in one instance, invading the home of a foreign journalist, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. A well-known Egyptian blogger also remains unaccounted for after being seized by suspected government agents earlier this…

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In Jordan, website hacked after running sensitive statement

New York, February 9, 2011–A Jordanian news website was hacked on Sunday after it refused to comply with demands from security agents to remove a critical statement from Jordanian tribesmen, the outlet said. The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Jordanian authorities to immediately investigate the attack on Ammon News, one of the most popular…

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Guardian correspondent expelled from Russia

New York, February 8, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists called on Russian authorities today to allow Luke Harding, Moscow correspondent for the U.K. Guardian, to return to Russia and resume his work. Harding, at left, was refused entry to Russia on Saturday.The journalist had temporarily returned to London in the fall to report on U.S.…

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Sudanese security agents must free Al-Midan workers

New York, February 8, 2011–Sudanese security forces on Wednesday detained 12 employees of the pro-opposition weekly Al-Midan, according to local journalists and news reports. Two were released the same day, but 10 continue to be held incommunicado nearly a week later. The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned about the welfare of the newspaper employees…

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Ivorians detained without charge; torture reported

New York, February 7, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned about the well-being of two Ivorian journalists who have been detained without charge for 10 days amid reports that they have been tortured in custody.

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Police in India must drop charges against Tehelka reporter

New York, February 7, 2011–Authorities in Karnataka state should drop charges against Tehelka magazine correspondent K.K. Shahina that appear intended to discredit her reporting, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Police visited her residence in Kerala state twice in January and left notices for her to appear for questioning, leading her to fear she…

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Protesters gather around army vehicles in Cairo's Tahrir Square. (Reuters)

Egypt: New accreditation rules; military obstructs media

New York, February 7, 2011–Egyptian authorities have shifted their strategy for obstructing the press as protests enter their 14th day: The military has become the predominant force detaining journalists and confiscating their equipment rather than plainclothes police or government supporters, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Authorities have also put in place new bureaucratic…

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