

Members of the Bolivarian National Guard prevent journalists from entering the National Assembly in Caracas, Venezuela, on June 18, 2019. Officers have blocked journalists' entry to the assembly building during its Tuesday debates since May 7. (AFP/Yuri Cortez)

Soldiers block press access to Venezuelan parliament

Since May 7, 2019, the Venezuelan Bolivarian National Guard has blocked journalists from accessing the National Assembly, the country’s legislature, during the body’s debates and activities held every Tuesday, according to news reports and local rights organizations.

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Kurdish security forces are seen in Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan, on July 23, 2018. Security forces recently harassed and attempted to arrest journalist Barzan Ali Hama. (AFP/Safin Hamed)

Security forces harass, attempt to arrest Kurdish journalist in Iraqi Kurdistan

On June 4, 2019, security forces affiliated with the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) party harassed and attempted to arrest Barzan Ali Hama, a reporter for local broadcaster Kurdistan 24, in the city of Koya, in Iraqi Kurdistan, according to Hama, who spoke with CPJ, and news reports.

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Police are seen in Paris, France, on April 20, 2019. Police in a Paris suburb recently arrested and allegedly assaulted journalist Taha Bouhafs. (AP/Michel Euler)

French police detain, assault reporter Taha Bouhafs during protest

On June 11, 2019, police officers arrested Taha Bouhafs, a reporter at French news website Là-bas Si J’y Suis, allegedly assaulted him during the arrest, confiscated his mobile phone, and detained him for 24 hours, according to reports by his employer and local news outlets.

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Karnataka state police personnel are seen in Rajinikanth, Bangalore, on June 7, 2018. Two journalists were recently assaulted in Karnataka state, and another in Uttar Pradesh. (AFP/Manjunath Kiran)

Journalists assaulted in Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka states in India

Three journalists were assaulted in two Indian states on June 11 and 12, 2019, according to news reports.

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Algerian journalists take part in a demonstration outside the headquarters of the country's national television broadcaster in Algiers on March 25, 2019. At least two journalists were recently suspended from the broadcaster. (AFP/Ryad Kramdi)

Algerian state broadcaster suspends two journalists amid reporters’ sit-ins

In April and May 2019, Algeria’s Public Establishment of Television, the state broadcaster, suspended at least two television journalists who sought to cover protests in the country, according to journalists who spoke to CPJ and news reports.

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The May 26, 2019, front-page of privately owned Kannada-language newspaper Vishwavani. (CPJ)

Police open criminal investigation into Indian journalist Vishweshwar Bhat

On May 26, 2019, Bengaluru police opened a criminal investigation into Vishweshwar Bhat, the editor-in-chief of privately owned Kannada-language newspaper Vishwavani, after a complaint was filed against him by a member of the state’s ruling Janata Dal (Secular) party, according to Indian news portal The News Minute.

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Austrian police, pictured at a World War II memorial in Bleiburg on May 18, 2019, that was attended by thousands of Croatian far-right supporters. A Croatian journalist says he was harassed and assaulted during the event. (AP/Darko Bandic)

Croatian journalist Danijel Majić assaulted, harassed in Austria

Danijel Majić, a Croatian journalist working for German daily Frankfurter Rundschau, said he was physically and verbally assaulted by a Croatian TV presenter and members of the crowd in the Austrian city of Bleiburg on May 18, 2019, according to Majić’s newspaper. A Croatian publication later published photographs of Majić alongside other journalists who covered…

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A news kiosk in Sofia in May 2017. An investigative journalist from Bulgaria says he has been threatened and that at least two news outlets have attacked him over his reporting on an allegedly illegal water supply. (AFP/Nikolay Doychinov)

Bulgarian reporter Hristo Geshov says he was briefly abducted; news outlets attack him

The Bulgarian freelance investigative journalist Hristo Geshov said he received threats and at least two news outlets published articles attacking him and shared explicit videos and photos of him after he reported on an allegedly illegal water supply and sewage system at the Chiflika resort complex in Troyan, central Bulgaria. He also said that unknown…

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Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, is seen on April 4, 2018. A reporter's camera was recently damaged by a security guard while he was reporting in the town of Šikulje. (Reuters/Dado Ruvic)

Security guard damages journalist’s camera in Bosnia and Herzegovina

On May 14, 2019, in Šikulje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, a private security guard damaged the camera of Ademir Mešanović, a cameraman working for local public broadcaster RTV TK, according to a report by the broadcaster.

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Security forces are seen in east Beirut, Lebanon, on May 9, 2019. Security forces recently raided the Beirut office of Al-Akhbar newspaper. (AP/Hassan Ammar)

Lebanese security forces raid Beirut office of Al-Akhbar newspaper

On May 8, 2019, Lebanese state security forces raided the office of the independent Beirut-based daily newspaper Al-Akhbar, according to news reports, the regional press freedom group Skeyes Center for Media and Cultural Freedom, and a report by Al-Akhbar Deputy Editor Pierre Abi Saab.

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