
379 results

CPJ urges Moroccan king to reform media restrictions

Your Majesty: On the eve of the 10th anniversary of your ascent to the throne, the Committee to Protect Journalists is writing to express our disappointment with the continued use of the courts to suppress freedom of expression. International human rights groups praised Morocco around the time of your ascension to the throne for having made significant steps toward the rule of law. Unfortunately, just a few years later it was among the 10 nations worldwide where press freedom had deteriorated the most.

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Free Maziar Bahari: 100 global journalists petition Iran

Your Excellency: We are writing to express our grave concern at the detention of our esteemed fellow journalist Maziar Bahari and to request his immediate release. Mr. Bahari has been detained since June 21. No charges have been brought against him, and he has not been granted access to a lawyer. As one of the most impartial and committed journalists in his field, he has reported regularly over the past decade from the Middle East, principally from Iran and Iraq, and provided consistently balanced and insightful reports. As an award-winning documentary filmmaker, he has earned global respect for his work.

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In Qaddafi case, court hands down harsh judgment

New York, June 29, 2009–The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns a Moroccan court decision today to impose fines and damages on three independent dailies for “publicly harming” Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi, above, and “injuring his dignity.”

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Group sues journalist on behalf of Moroccan royals

New York, June 15, 2009–The Committee to Protect Journalists is deeply concerned by defamation charges filed against a Moroccan editor by a group that represents close relatives of King Mohammed VI. A Casablanca court has summoned the editor to appear on Tuesday.

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Moroccan journalists face charges of defaming Qaddafi

New York, May 18, 2009–The Committee to Protect Journalists is dismayed by the start of court proceedings today against five Moroccan journalists charged with “publicly harming” Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi, left, and “hurting his dignity.”

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Free expression in the Middle East & North Africa

On Thursday, I participated in a panel discussion about media in the Middle East at the United Nations to commemorate World Press Freedom Day. Other panellists included Alya Al-Thani, counsellor, Permanent Mission of Qatar to the United Nations; Abderrahim Foukara, chief of the Washington Bureau of Al-Jazeera; Ebtihal Mubarak, journalist for Saudi Arabia’s English-language daily…

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Moroccan newspaper fined again for same story

New York, March 26, 2009–The Casablanca court of appeals in Morocco should overturn two suspended jail sentences and fines against an independent newspaper, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. 

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Attacks on the Press in 2008

Carl Bernstein discusses his preface. Table of Contents Preface by Carl Bernstein Introduction by Joel Simon Journalists Killed Journalists in Prison Regional Analyses AFRICA: In Text-Message Reporting, Opportunity and Risk AMERICAS: Drug Trade, Violent Gangs Pose Grave Danger ASIA: Media Freedom Stalls as China Sets the Course EUROPE and CENTRAL ASIA: Conquering Television to Control…

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Pre-empting the Satellite TV Revolution

Uneasy about satellite television coverage of civil strife and economic hardship, Arab governments are trying to reassert control over the medium. Will a new regional agreement halt the satellite revolution? By Joel Campagna

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Attacks on the Press in 2008: Egypt

Egypt took a lead role in developing a regional charter designed to restrict satellite broadcasting throughout the Arab world. At the behest of President Hosni Mubarak, parliament extended the 27-year-old Emergency Law, keeping intact for two additional years a key tool for stifling free expression. In this environment, journalists continued to fend off a rash…

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