
566 results

Newspaper journalist murdered in India

Bangkok, August 24, 2016 – Authorities in the Indian state of Gujarat should credibly investigate the murder of journalist Kishore Dave and swiftly bring those responsible to justice, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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Proposed cyber-security bill threatens media freedom in Bangladesh

Bangkok, August 24, 2016–The Committee to Protect Journalists called today on Bangladesh’s legislature to scrap proposed cyber-security legislation that would impose severe penalties for disseminating online material deemed to be anti-state or a threat to national security or public order. The Digital Security Act 2016 was approved on August 22 by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s…

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Demonstrators protesting the trial of blogger Amos Yee hold pictures of the late Lee Kuan Yew, founder of modern Singapore, on July 5, 2015. (Reuters/Tyrone Siu)

Proposed law on contempt of court threatens press freedom in Singapore

Bangkok, August 5, 2016 – Singaporean lawmakers should scrap proposed legislation on what constitutes contempt of court in news reporting and public commentary, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. The draft law’s penalties for violations, including possible prison terms for criticizing the judiciary, threaten to entrench more self-censorship in Singapore’s constrained media environment.

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President-elect sends wrong signal on impunity in the Philippines

Bangkok, June 1, 2016 – The Committee to Protect Journalists strongly condemns Philippine President-elect Rodrigo Duterte’s comments during a press conference justifying the killing of journalists. Duterte made the remarks in response to a reporter’s question on Tuesday about how his government would handle cases of media murders, according to news reports.

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BBC censored during Obama’s visit to Vietnam

Bangkok, May 23, 2016 – Authorities in Vietnam ordered a British Broadcasting Corporation team to stop reporting on U.S. President Barack Obama’s three-day visit to the country, the BBC reported today. The Committee to Protect Journalists condemned the censorship and called on Vietnam to stop harassing journalists.

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Two journalists arrested while covering ecological disaster in Vietnam

Bangkok, May 4, 2015 – The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the arrest of two journalists amid a wider crackdown on dissent in Vietnam.

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Blogger sentenced amid clampdown in Vietnam

Bangkok, March 31, 2016 – In a mounting clampdown on dissent, Vietnam sentenced a prominent blogger on Wednesday to four years in prison on charges of disseminating “propaganda against the state,” according to news reports. The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the sentence and calls for the immediate release of all journalists wrongfully held behind…

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Singapore court sentences online editor for sedition

Bangkok, March 24, 2016 – The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns a Singaporean court’s sentencing Wednesday of an Australian editor of a now-defunct independent Singaporean news website, and calls on authorities to stop jailing journalists and censoring websites.

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Vietnamese bloggers imprisoned for ‘abusing democratic freedoms’

Bangkok, March 23, 2016 – The Committee to Protect Journalists strongly condemns a Hanoi court’s sentencing today of two Vietnamese bloggers to prison terms on charges of “abusing democratic freedoms.”

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Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Razak speaks to the press in September 2015. News outlets that critically covered allegations in the 1MDB scandal are facing censorship and pressure. (Reuters/Olivia Harris)

Closure of news site underscores Malaysia’s press freedom crisis amid 1MDB scandal

On March 14, The Malaysian Insider abruptly closed its editorial operations less than a month after the state media regulator, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, blocked local access to its news site.

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