3004 results

37 periodistas asesinados por su trabajo en el 2001

Nueva York, 3 de enero de 2002 — Un total de 37 periodistas fueron asesinados en todo el mundo como resultado directo de su labor en el 2001, un brusco incremento en relación con el año 2000, cuando 24 fueron asesinados, según las investigaciones del Comité para la Protección de los Periodistas (CPJ, por sus…

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CPJ responds to Israel Defense Forces report on journalist shootings

FPA STATEMENT The IDF has completed what it describes as “an accounting” of the outstanding cases in which journalists were shot in the territories. We are pleased that the IDF has reaffirmed its commitment to the freedom of the press, the safety of journalists and their freedom of movement.

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Moscow authorities free Tajik journalist

Atovullo told CPJ, “This is a big victory for journalists in the entire post-Soviet region.” New York, July 12, 2001—Dododjon Atovullo, the Tajik journalist and opposition activist who was detained in Moscow last week while Russian authorities considered extraditing him to Tajikistan, was released today and has returned to Germany, where he is currently living…

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British reporter attacked by Afghan refugees

New York, December 10, 2001—On December 8, Robert Fisk, Middle East correspondent for the London daily Independent, was severely beaten by Afghan refugees in the village of Kila Abdullah in western Pakistan. Fisk, his Independent colleague Justin Huggler, driver Amanullah, and translator Fayyaz Ahmed were driving past Kila Abdullah, near the Afghan border, when their…

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Maoist revolt sparks crackdown on press

Your Excellency: The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is extremely concerned about press freedom violations in Nepal during the recently declared State of Emergency. On November 26, King Gyanendra declared a State of Emergency throughout the country in response to an upsurge of violence between Maoist rebels and government security forces that killed at least 100 people over the weekend.

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CPJ releases exclusive interview with exiled journalist

Russian war correspondent Anna Politkovskaya fled Moscow in early October after receiving death threats in connection with her coverage of the war in Chechnya. She has settled in Vienna, Austria, where she spoke with CPJ Europe consultant Emma Gray. Until last month, Politkovskaya reported on the two-year-old war in Chechnya for the Moscow-based independent twice-weekly…

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Gallery of Absurd Press Laws and Rulings

Research by Edith Tsouri. Illustrations by Béatrice Coron.

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Iran: Press Freedom Fact Sheet

Understanding the players and institutions involved in the struggle for press freedom in Iran

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CPJ letter outlines press freedom agenda for government

Your Excellency: The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) recently completed a fact-finding mission to Ethiopia to assess conditions for local journalists. During a one-week stay, CPJ Africa program coordinator Yves Sorokobi met with senior government officials, with opposition and human rights activists, and with journalists from both the state and private media.

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Covering the New War

New York City, October 17, 2001–Two weeks after the September 11 attacks, the number of foreign journalists in Pakistan swelled to an estimated 700. The country’s location alongside Afghanistan, the first target of Washington’s “new war,” made Pakistan a natural destination for journalists. Pakistan An initially lax visa policy–allowing citizens of most Western countries and…

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