3006 results

CPJ urges Iran to release journalists during Ramadan

New York, September 16, 2009—As Muslims worldwide prepare to celebrate the end of the holy month of Ramadan, a time of compassion and forgiveness, the Committee to Protect Journalists today called on the Iranian authorities to release journalists who are being held behind bars.

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CPJ tells Clinton of threats to women journalists in Congo

Dear Secretary Clinton: In light of your recent advocacy on behalf of Congolese women during your visit to Goma, in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, we are writing to bring to your attention our deep concerns about the safety of three reporters covering women’s issues in Bukavu, south of Goma.

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Anatomy of Injustice: Preface by Kati Marton

It is a sad irony: While the world celebrates the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, Russia itself is relapsing to some of its Soviet ways. In fact, for journalists, Russia is a more dangerous place now than it was during the Cold War. 

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Anatomy of Injustice: A Measure of Justice

The prosecution did outstanding work in the Domnikov case, but it stopped far too short, a human rights lawyer says. The problem is systemic.

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Anatomy of Injustice: Appendix I

Excerpts from the work of journalists slain in Russia since 2000

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Thai media owner, editor handed prison sentences

New York, September 14, 2009—The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns a Thai criminal court decision on Thursday to sentence media owner, television commentator, and political activist Sondhi Limthongkul to two years in prison in connection with criminal libel charges filed by a former government minister. 

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CPJ testifies on China’s media controls

Madeline Earp, CPJ Asia research associate, testified in Washington today before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission at a public hearing on “China’s Media and Information Controls: The Impact in China and the United States.” 

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Luis Cino

To blog in Cuba: defying hazards, enjoying freedom

I share with my fellow Cuban independent journalists the drunkenness of writing freely under a totalitarian dictatorship; of experiencing the catharsis of denouncing the regime’s violations; of feeling useful to my people knowing that, in the long run, what I write will contribute to a better future.

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Soldiers guard Gabon's election commission. (AFP/Getty)

Gabonese media under attack since election

New York, September 3, 2009–Five journalists and a TV station covering Gabon’s disputed presidential election, which has already been marred by media censorship, have been attacked since Wednesday, according to local journalists and news reports. Official results announced today declared Ali Ben Bongo–son of Omar Bongo, the late 41-year ruler of the oil-rich, equatorial nation–the…

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Filmmaker who documented Salvadoran gangs is slain

New York, September 3, 2009–The bullet-ridden body of journalist Christian Poveda, whose new documentary on a violent Salvadoran street gang was scheduled for wide release this month, was discovered Wednesday afternoon just north of the capital, San Salvador, according to local and international press reports. The Committee to Protect Journalists today called on Salvadoran authorities…

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