
1995 results


We, the undersigned, are colleagues of Daniel Pearl, who has become a captive while reporting for The Wall Street Journal in Pakistan. Like Daniel himself, we are journalists. As he used to, we report on events in the Middle East. We are Americans, Arabs, and others, who have spent many years, in some cases lifetimes,…

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37 periodistas asesinados por su trabajo en el 2001

Nueva York, 3 de enero de 2002 — Un total de 37 periodistas fueron asesinados en todo el mundo como resultado directo de su labor en el 2001, un brusco incremento en relación con el año 2000, cuando 24 fueron asesinados, según las investigaciones del Comité para la Protección de los Periodistas (CPJ, por sus…

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Covering the New War

Read first-hand accounts by journalists covering the war in Afghanistan. • December 21, 2001—The New York Times reported that on December 20, Afghan tribal fighters detained three photojournalists working for U.S. news organizations. The journalists were detained for more than one hour, apparently at the behest of U.S. Special Operations forces in the Tora Bora area….

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CPJ appeals for release of journalist

New York, April 10, 2001 — As Iranian newspaper editor Mashallah Shamsolvaezin marked the end of his first year in prison, CPJ today presented more than 350 petitions to the government of Iran calling for his immediate release and the release of at least six other Iranian journalists currently jailed for their work. The petitions…

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CPJ congratulates press freedom awardee Shamsolvaezin on his release

New York, September 27, 2001—The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) today welcomed the release from prison of Iranian editor Mashallah Shamsolvaezin, who was freed on September 12 after spending 17 months in prison. In an e-mail sent to Shamsolvaezin, CPJ executive director Ann Cooper wrote: “We were happy to learn of your release from prison…

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As presidential vote approaches, CPJ calls on government to free jailed journalists

June 6, 2001 — CPJ is concerned that Iran’s June 8 presidential election is taking place in an environment where local journalists are not free to report the news. Five Iranian journalists are currently jailed for their work, according to CPJ research, and dozens of newspapers have been shut down. “When Iranians last went to…

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Journalists beaten by Wahid supporters in central Java

Your Excellency: The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) condemns the recent attack on six journalists by some of your political supporters in Tegal, Central Java. We urge your government to undertake a prompt and full investigation into the incident.

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Jailed editor transferred to solitary confinement

New York, May 24, 2001 — Jailed Iranian editor Mashallah Shamsolvaezin was transferred to solitary confinement on May 17, sources in Iran told CPJ. Shamsolvaezin has also been summoned by Tehran’s Press Court for questioning about his alleged ties with opposition figures, several of whom were recently arrested. Shamsolvaezin, the editor of several now-banned Iranian…

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Enemies of the Press 2001

CPJ Names 10 Enemies of the Press on World Press Freedom Day

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2000 prison census: 81 journalists jailed

EIGHTY-ONE JOURNALISTS WERE IN PRISON AROUND THE WORLD at the end of 2000, jailed for practicing their profession. The number is down slightly from the previous year, when 87 were in jail, and represents a significant decline from 1998, when 118 journalists were imprisoned. While jailing journalists can be an effective means of stifling bad…

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