
People board a bus in Hong Kong, China, on February 27, 2024.

CPJ calls on Hong Kong to scrap proposed law that could further criminalize critical reporting

Taipei, March 1, 2024—The Hong Kong government must immediately halt plans to introduce new national security legislation that could strangle the city’s news industry by introducing new offenses including “acts of seditious intention” and “theft of state secrets,” the Committee to Protect Journalists said Friday. On January 30, Hong Kong’s security bureau published a “public…

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CPJ urges protection for Israeli journalist threatened with death after accepting film award

Washington, D.C., February 29, 2024—Israeli authorities must ensure necessary protections for Israeli journalist Yuval Abraham and his family, who were repeatedly threatened following criticism from high-level Israeli and German government officials.   Yuval Abraham, an Israeli film director and journalist with the independent news +972 Magazine, said on February 27 that he canceled his flight home…

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Masand Mafuta

DRC police detain journalist Masand Mafuta, slap him, seize equipment and money

Kinshasa, February 28, 2024—Authorities in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) must hold accountable the police officers who arrested and then assaulted journalist Masand Mafuta, and ensure his belongings are returned, the Committee for the Protection of Journalists said on Wednesday. On February 23, at least six police officers in the capital, Kinshasa, detained Masand,…

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Journalist Lucien Lyenda's face became swollen after soldiers hit him with rifle butts as he was reporting on a demonstration about insecurity in the southeastern town of Kirungu in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

DRC journalist Lucien Lyenda attacked by armed forces while covering protest

Kinshasa, February 27, 2024—Authorities in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) must investigate and hold accountable the soldiers who attacked journalist Lucien Lyenda while he covered a demonstration against insecurity in the country’s southeastern Tanganyika province, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Tuesday. On Sunday, three DRC armed forces soldiers attacked Lyenda, a reporter for…

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Pakistani journalist Asad Ali Toor arrested after responding to summons for questioning

New York, February 26, 2024—Pakistan’s Federal Investigation Agency arrested independent journalist Asad Ali Toor on Monday after he was ordered to appear for questioning in connection to an alleged “explicit and malicious” campaign against Supreme Court judges, according to news reports and the journalist’s lawyer, Imaan Mazari-Hazir, who spoke to CPJ. Toor operates Asad Toor…

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Iraqi publisher survives assassination attempt in Baghdad

Beirut, February 26, 2024—An unknown number of armed and masked individuals in two trucks fired at least 17 times on the car of prominent Iraqi publisher and politician Fakhri Karim on Thursday before fleeing, according to multiple media reports and Facebook statements by his outlet. The Committee to Protect Journalists on Monday urged Iraqi authorities…

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French journalist Antoine Galindo of Africa Intelligence

French journalist Antoine Galindo detained in Ethiopia

New York, February 26, 2024—Ethiopian authorities must immediately and unconditionally release French journalist Antoine Galindo, who was unjustly detained on Thursday under alarming circumstances, the Committee to Protect Journalists said on Monday. On February 22, at 3:55 p.m., Galindo, who reports for the Paris-based privately owned news website Africa Intelligence, was detained by security forces…

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Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador

CPJ calls on Mexico’s president not to disclose journalists’ personal information

Mexico City, February 23, 2022 – Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador must refrain from publicizing the personal information of journalists and respect privacy laws in the most dangerous country for journalists in the Western Hemisphere, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Friday. On Thursday, López Obrador responded to a request for comment during his daily press…

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NewsHawks Managing Editor Dumisani Muleya.

Zimbabwe’s The NewsHawks freezes military story over fears for journalists’ safety

Lusaka, February 22, 2024—Zimbabwean authorities must end the intimidation and surveillance of journalists working for The NewsHawks online newspaper and ensure they can report safely about the military, the Committee to Protect Journalists said on Friday. The NewsHawks, a privately owned investigative online newspaper, announced on Tuesday that it had halted further reporting on its…

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Indian journalist Jyotiranjan Mohapatra attacked with sword in Bhubaneswar

New Delhi, February 23, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists on Friday called upon the authorities in the eastern Indian state of Odisha to prosecute those responsible for the assault on Jyotiranjan Mohapatra, a reporter with privately owned news broadcaster Bada Khabar TV. At around 11 p.m. on February 10, four unidentified individuals on two motorcycles…

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