


CPJ urges Nigeria to probe police harassment, assault

New York, June 29, 2009–The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on national police Inspector General Mike Okiro to investigate reports that Delta state police harassed six journalists and attacked at least three of them last week. The Nigerian Union of Journalists Delta State Chapter said police attached to the state Ministry of Land prevented the…

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Philippine police must act to stem journalist murders

New York, June 29, 2009–Police in the Philippines must step up investigations into journalist killings following the shooting death of radio commentator Jonathan Petalvero on Saturday, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Petalvero is the fourth Philippine journalist killed this month, the third to be targeted for murder.

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Russian newspaper editor dies from head injuries

New York, June 29, 2009–The Committee to Protect Journalists calls for an independent investigation into the death of Vyacheslav Yaroshenko, editor-in-chief of the Rostov-on-Don newspaper Korruptsiya i Prestupnost, who succumbed today to head injuries suffered in an April attack, according to press reports. 

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Cambodian editor sentenced on ‘disinformation’ charge

New York, June 26, 2009–The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the sentencing today of Hang Chakra, editor-in-chief of the opposition Khmer-language daily Khmer Machas Srok, to one year in prison stemming from his reports on alleged government corruption.

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Supreme Court orders retrial in Politkovskaya murder

New York, June 25, 2009–Russia’s Supreme Court today overturned the acquittals of three men accused of involvement in the October 2006 murder of Novaya Gazeta reporter Anna Politkovskaya. A spokesman for the court said there were procedural violations during the trial, according to press reports.

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More journalists arrested in Iran; CPJ seeks their release

New York, June 25, 2009–Iranian authorities should release all of the roughly 40 journalists and media workers who have been detained in the aftermath of the country’s disputed June 12 presidential election, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Iranian news organizations identified two more detained journalists in reports today.

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Philippine reporter faces wiretapping charges

New York, June 25, 2009–The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned about pending wiretapping charges against Cecilia “Cheche” Lazaro, a well-known journalist with the broadcaster ABS-CBN. If found guilty of violating the Anti-Wiretapping Act, she faces up to six years in prison. 

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Months-long assault on media continues in Yemen

New York, June 24, 2009–The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on the government of Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh to end censorship of independent newspapers and to identify and prosecute those who assaulted Al-Jazeera journalists on two occasions in the south of the country. 

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Iranian newspaper raided, employees detained

New York, June 23, 2009–Iranian security agents arrested about 25 employees of Kalameh Sabz, the reformist newspaper owned by presidential candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi, after raiding the paper’s offices on Monday evening, according to local and international news reports. 

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In Gambia, reporter still held after arrest at sedition hearing

New York, June 23, 2009–A Gambian reporter arrested on Monday while covering a pre-trial hearing in the sedition case of seven journalists jailed last week, was still being held without charge late today, according to local journalists and news reports.

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