Mexican journalist Luis Martín Sánchez Iñíguez found dead on July 8

A screenshot of journalist Luis Martín Sánchez Iñíguez. (YouTube/Milenio TV)

Mexican journalist Luis Martín Sánchez Iñíguez, a correspondent for La Jornada, was found dead on July 8, in El Ahuacate, a suburb of Nayarit’s state capital of Tepic. The Nayarit state prosecutor’s office said that his body showed “signs of violence,” and that two pieces of cardboard with handwritten messages were left with the remains. In an interview with La Jornada, the state prosecutor said that Sánchez’s work as a reporter is “one of the principal lines of investigation.”

Mexican authorities must immediately, transparently, and credibly investigate the killing of Sánchez and determine whether he was killed because of his work, CPJ said Thursday.

Mexico is the deadliest country for journalists in the Western Hemisphere. At least three reporters were killed in direct relation to their work in 2022, and CPJ is investigating the killings of 10 other reporters that year to determine the motive.

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Parliamentary deputies and rights defenders speak to media in front of a Diyarbakır courthouse on July 11, 2023. (CPJ/Özgür Öğret)

On July 11, a trial of 17 Kurdish journalists and a media worker on terrorism charges began in a court in Diyarbakır, Turkey.

The journalists and media worker were charged with membership in the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). They are employed by local production companies and produce Kurdish-focused shows and content, which the indictment alleged were propaganda for PKK.

The defendants have denied the charges and, if convicted, face up to 15 years imprisonment under Turkey’s anti-terrorism laws. Fifteen of the defendants had been held in pretrial detention for 13 months; the court decided to release them pending trial this week.

CPJ called on Turkish authorities to drop the charges, which are solely based on their journalistic work. 

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So far in 2023…

At least nine journalists and media workers have been killed in relation to their work. Explore our database of attacks on the press and apply filters to examine trends.

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