Situational awareness: A guide for journalists

A camera operator films a demonstration denouncing the relocation of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem in Ankara, Turkey, on May 15, 2018. (Photo by Adem Altan / AFP)

When talking about journalist safety, security measures such as filling out a risk assessment, completing hostile environment awareness training (HEFAT), or using personal protective equipment (PPE) are often the first things to come to mind. However, one of the most important security measures in a journalist’s toolbox is the ability to maintain situational awareness and to remove yourself from harm’s way in advance of a threat.

This guide is intended for journalists and editors to refer to while planning assignments and reporting. Read on to understand more about what situational awareness is, why it’s important, and how situational awareness can be best used while reporting. For additional information on how to safely cover protests, please see CPJ’s safety videos. 

What is situational awareness and why is it important?

Situational awareness means being conscious of what is happening around you, how this does or could impact you, and what is likely to happen next.

Attention to your surroundings is the foundation for any effective decision-making. It enables you to recognize patterns and take the correct actions toward an intended outcome, or preventative actions to avoid negative consequences.

For example, if you are covering a demonstration, your risk assessment should identify where a threat could come from and what your exit strategy is. However, as you become immersed in reporting, recording, or filming, it is easy to miss or fail to notice potential dangers as they become a reality. 

If you see signs of a demonstration turning violent and you know that the police are likely to use tear gas as a crowd control measure, be conscious about the direction of the wind and reposition yourself as necessary. Similarly, if you are going to be reporting in an area with a history of anti-press sentiment or behavior by local militias, your risk assessment should cover who these actors are, their capabilities and mode of conduct, and how to identify them, as well as an understanding of local gun restrictions and laws. Once on the ground, be vigilant of your surroundings and how people are reacting to your presence. Keep an eye out for any signs of physical surveillance such as being followed, people looking at you when using their mobile phone (they could be talking about you and reporting on your activities), or people in general taking an unusual interest in you. Contact law enforcement if you feel unsafe or believe you are in immediate danger.

Intentionally acknowledging and reacting to risk is easier said than done. 

What are the different levels of awareness?

It is impossible to always be fully switched-on and aware of your surroundings. You will experience different levels of alertness depending on the context. Jeff Cooper, a U.S. Marine veteran, categorized the different awareness levels into a four-stage color code from white to red, which was later expanded to include a fifth level of black.

When is it important to have heightened situational awareness?

Situational awareness is not only important when reporting from hostile environments such as conflict zones or environments with extreme weather. It is important whenever you are reporting, including from demonstrations or even the scene of a crime

How to implement situational awareness

What are the challenges to observing situational awareness?

The biggest challenge to situational awareness is your brain going into a complacent mode

The brain activity necessary for maintaining situational awareness takes up a lot of energy. This is tiring, and your brain by default tries to conserve energy. If no immediate threat is identified, the brain automatically switches into a mode of cognitive ease that requires less energy to maintain.

When on assignment, here are some common examples that can lead to the loss of situational awareness:

Identify these moments of vulnerability and be aware of the shortcuts your brain will want to take. 

Actively engage your mental alertness and scan your environment for potential threats. Even if you have done a task a hundred times before, always ask yourself, “Is there anything new here that could pose a threat to me?”

In the end, the most powerful tool you have to protect yourself is your mind.

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CPJ Emergencies has additional information on basic preparednessassessing and responding to risk, or safety measures when covering civil conflict and disturbances. Journalists can find more of CPJ’s safety information here.

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