Committee to Protect Journalists

CPJ: Press Freedom Reports 2000

An Archive of Special Reports from Around the World 2000-2004 [1996-1999]



Free-Fire Zone, by Joel Simon and Carlos Lauría
In Tijuana, a drug war ensnares the press and claims the life of
a muck-raking editor.
Posted: November 10, 2004

Versión en español


Promises and the Press, by Adam Posluns with Alexis Arieff
In Togo, journalists are skeptical but see opportunit in the regime’s
bid to shed sanctions.
Posted: October 20, 2004

Version française


Fragile Freedom, by Julia Crawford
Unrest shatters press freedom gains in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with attacks and imprisonments surging yet again.
Posted: September 14, 2004

Version française


In China, New Journalism and New Threats, by Sophie Beach
With China’s press becoming more market-oriented, journalists are reporting more aggressively on crime and corruption–and are facing violent retribution for their work as a result.
Posted: August 24, 2004


Taking Sides, by Carlos Lauría and Jean-Roland Chery
Under Haiti’s transitional government, journalists–especially those who supported former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide–remain at risk in a politcally polarized environment.
Posted July 26, 2004

At Voice of America, changes prompt concerns about independence, credibility,
by Frank Smyth
Posted July 13, 2004



¡Libertad para Vázquez Portal!
Manuel Vázquez Portal is one of 29 journalists–one-third of Cuba’s independent press corps–who along with 46 members of the opposition, were arrested, tired and convicted during 3 weeks in March and April 2003 while the world’s attention was focused on the war in Iraq. The journalists were each given prison sentences from 14 years to 27 years.
Posted February 2004


Out of Sight, by A. Lin Newman.
Borrowing a page from the U.S. playbook, the Indonesian military is restricting and controlling coverage of their war in the restive
province of Aceh.
Posted July 16, 2003

Permission to Fire, by Joel Campagna and Rhonda Roumani
About 100 journalists were staying in Baghdad’s Palestine Hotel during the Iraq war. CPJ investigates the shelling of the hotel that caused the deaths of two journalists and injured three others.


Crackdown on the Independent Press in Cuba
28 journalists arrested in 3 days and sentenced to 14 to 27 years in prison.Posted May 2003


Conflict in the Gulf
Information and links to articles about the Iraq war, one of the deadliest conflicts ever for journalists.
First posting: February 25, 2003


World’s Worst Places to be a Journalist
Posted on World Press Freedom Day, May 3.

Versión en español

Versão em portugués


On Assignment: A Guide to Reporting in Dangerous Situations
A practical guide for journalists working in dangerous situations.
Posted March 2003.


Free Joshua
Prominent Eritrean journalist Fesshaye Johannes, known as Joshua, has been in prison since 2001.


The Phillipines: Elusive Justice, by A. Lin Neumann
Two witnesses have identified a journalist’s murder, but in a city of warlord politics and rampant corruption, the suspect remains at large.

From Dangerous Assignments, Fall 2002. Click here to download PDF version of full magazine.


Venezuela’s Continuing Crisis
Ongoing reportage of the plight of journalists caught in the bitter political struggle between supporters and opponents of mercurial president Hugo Chávez Frías. Posted December 2002



The Case of Carlos Cardoso
CPJ follows the slow progress of justice after the murder of a prominent and fearless Mozambican journalist.
Posted November 2002


Undoing Press Freedom in Namibia, by Adam Posluns
Namibian journalists worry that President Nujoma is tightening his grip on the media.
Posted October 2002


Back in the U.S.S.R., by Alex Lupis and Richard McGill Murphy
Although Uzbekistan’s president, Islam Karimov, has told the United States that he supports press freedom, old, repressive habits die hard
Posted October 2002


9-11: Looking Back, Looking Forward, by the staff of the Committee to Protect Journalists. A year after September 11, CPJ looks at the impact of U.S. rhetoric and actions on press freedom worldwide.
Posted September 2002


Not Again, by Lloyd Mudiwa
Amid repeated threats of imprisonment, a Zimbabwean journalist tells of his time behind bars.
Posted August 2002



Identity Crisis, by Yves Sorokobi
After years of war and civil unrest, peace and elections have given Sierra Leone’s journalists a new set of issues to face.
Posted August 2002


Cannon Fodder, by Sauro González Rodríguez
In the current battle between the Venezuelan media and President Hugo Chávez Frías, journalists are being used as ammunition.
Versión en español

Posted August 2002



On a Rampage, by Wacuka Mungai
Since President Robert Mugabe was re-elected, the situation for journalists in Zimbabwe has grown progressively worse.
Posted July 11, 2002

 The Silence, by Montserrat Solano Carboni
A year later, the murder of a popular Costa Rican journalist remains unsolved.
Versión en español
Posted July 5, 2002


Picking Up the Pieces, by Joel Campagna
Israeli troops destroyed several Palestinian broadcast outlets during the West Bank offensive. Was it an attempt to silence the press?
Posted June 13, 2002


Progess Denied, by Alex Lupis
Even with Milosevic in jail, Serbia and Bosnia remain dangerous for the independent press.
Posted June 26, 2002



The Murder of Carlos Cardoso, by Yves Sorokobi
Versão em portugués

The assassination of a prominent journalist in Mozambique raises some troubling questions.
Posted May 2002


Attacks against journalists in the West Bank and Gaza since September 2000
Documented cases.
First posted April 2002

CPJ Mourns the Death of Daniel Pearl
Background and analyses of the tragedy by Ann Cooper, Terry Anderson, Joel Simon, and Clarence Page. Posted February 22, 2002


Burma Under Pressure: by A. Lin Neumann
How journalism survives in one of the world’s most repressive regimes.
Posted February 13. 2002


Twentieth Anniversary of CPJ
“Censoring the New War,” by Ann Cooper; “Argentine Prison Diary,” by Simon Winchester; “CPJ: In the Beginning,” by Michael Massing.
Posted February 2002



See No Evil: An Interview with Anna Politkovskaya.
by Emma Gray. A Russian journalist is forced to flee after reporting on Chechnya.
Posted November 13, 2001



Iran: A Press Freedom Fact Sheet. by Hani Sabra.
Posted October 2001


Between Two Worlds: By Joel Campagna.
Qatar’s Al-Jazeera satellite channel.
Posted October 2001


Absurd Press Laws from Around the World
Research by Edith Tsouri. Illustrated by Béatrice Coron
Posted October 2001


Covering the New War:
Recent developments, frontline reporting, Washington view,
and more.
First posted September 2001


Stop Signs: Syria’s press showed signs of life after Bashar al-Assad succeeded his iron-fisted father last year, but the thaw proved fleeting. By Joel Campagna.
Posted September 2001


Bad Press:
Paramilitary leader Carlos Castaño a mortal threat to Colombia’s journalists.
by Frank Smyth.
Versión en español Posted September 2001


Azerbaijan: A Press Only So Free
by Alex Lupis and Olga Tarasov.
Posted September 2001


China: Running in Place.
The Chinese government says it wants journalists to investigate corruption. Is it serious?
By Sophie Beach.
Posted August 2001


The Sound of Silence by “Adele Lotus”
Uzbekistan has one of the strictest censorship regimes in the world, as the author learned when she launched her journalism career in Tashkent.
Posted July 25, 2001

At Risk: Covering the Intifada. Documented cases of journalists shot in Israel and the Occupied Territories. Researched and updated by Joel Campagna and the Committee to Protect Journalists.
Posted June 2001.
Iran: Full Court Press. An aggressive conservative crackdown has reduced the pro-Khatami liberal press to a shadow of its former self. By a CPJ correspondent.
Posted June 2001
Spain: The Socialization of Suffering. The Basque separatist group ETA is not above killing journalists for publicity. By a CPJ correspondent.
Posted May 25, 2001
Russia’s Domino Effect. The Kremlin’s boardroom coup against NTV may become a paradigm for authoritarian leaders across the former Soviet Union. By Alex Lupis.
Posted April 2001
Refuse to Forget by Yves Sorokobi
Burkina Faso’s ruling clan has endured two years of unrest sparked by the murder of a leading investigative journalist.
Posted April 3, 2001
Russia: Managing the Messengers. The first year of Putin’s presidency has been a trying time for Russian civil society generally and for the media in particular. By Robert Coalson.
Posted March 8, 2001
Venezuela: Radio Chávez. Populism meets the press as Venezuela’s brash new president takes to the airwaves. By Marylene Smeets.
Posted February 28, 2001
China: The Great Firewall. In the world’s fastest-growing Internet market, Chinese Communist authorities are trying hard to regulate online speech. By A. Lin Neumann.
Posted January 18, 2001
Showdown in Chiang Mai by A. Lin Neumann
A Thai editor pursues the men who tried to kill him.
Posted December 5, 2000
Lonely Warrior by Fernando Lima
Mozambican editor Carlos Cardoso was an equal opportunity offender. He paid for it with his life.
Posted November 30, 2000
Running Scared in Haiti by Trenton Daniel
After the murder of a radio journalist, Haiti’s press pulls back in fear.
Posted November 20, 2000
Press Freedom Awards 2000: Four courageous journalists win CPJ International Press Freedom Awards. Otis Chandler also honored at Tenth Annual Awards Ceremony.
Posted November 21, 2000
East Timor: Justice Delayed. The UN and the Indonesian government both think they know who killed two journalists in East Timor last year. So why aren’t the suspects on trial? By Areta Lloyd.
Posted November 3, 2000
Palestinian Journalists: Bloodied and Beleagured. Palestinian journalists have been dodging Israeli bullets and Arafat’s censors for years. Lately, the stakes have grown higher. By Joel Campagna
Posted October 20, 2000.
Kenya: Radio Interference. Why does the president of Kenya want to ban private vernacular bradcasting? By Wacuka Mungai.
Posted September 28, 2000
Russia’s Media Morass: As Vladimir Putin jousts with business magnates and political kingpins throughout his vast country, press freedom is the last thing on anyone’s mind. So much the worse for Russian democracy. By Robert Coalson.
Posted September 22, 2000
Hostage to the News by Andreas Lorenz
Der Spiegel’s man in Jolo recalls his stint as a hostage of Commander Rat.
Posted September 18, 2000
A Gleam of Hope in Bosnia? Muslim, Serb, and Croat journalists find common ground. By Emma Gray.
Posted August, 2000
Chokehold on Serbia: CPJ documents Milosevic’s ongoing campagin to throttle the independent media. Including news, bulletins, and background.
Last posted August 29, 2000
African Leaders Join Outcry Against Liberia: Local leaders join global condemnation of Liberia for jailing Channel Four team. A CPJ Briefing by Yves Sorokobi
Posted August 25, 2000
One Trigger, Many Fingers by A. Lin Neumann
Last April, four men tried to gun down Thai editor Amnat Khunyosying in Chiang Mai. The journalist wants to know why.
Posted August 23, 2000
Iran’s Uncivil Wars: Iranian liberals counted on the new parliament to help free the reformist press. Ayatollah Khamenei had other ideas.
Posted August 14, 2000
Freedom and Captivity: Terry Anderson interviews Andrei Babitsky
Posted July 17, 2000
Darkness Falls by Frank Smyth
Colombia’s top investigative journalist explains why he fled his country.
Posted June 15, 2000
Like a Walk in a Minefield by Ray Choto
Results of Zimbabwe’s parliamentary elections signal new dangers for independent journalists.
Posted July 13, 2000
Starting the Presses in Cambodia: Twenty years after the Khmer Rouge genocide, Khmer journalism is showing signs of life. By A Lin Neumann.
Posted June, 2000
Pulling the Plugs in Liberia: Charles Taylor, the former warlord who rules Liberia, has little tolerance for the “anti-patriotic” media. By Yves Sorokobi.
Posted May 26, 2000
Sierra Leone: 15 reporters killed because of their work since 1997; 13 by RUF rebels
Posted May 25, 2000
Iran: The Press on Trial: Iran’s reformist newspapers have been fighting to liberalize the country’s strict Islamic theocracy. Last week, the theocrats struck back. By Joel Campagna.
Posted May 5, 2000
Hunting the Dictator, by Daniel Bekoutou
Driven out of Chad, journalist Daniel Bekoutou goes into exile in Senegal. Later, Chad’s ex-strongman goes there as well, and the hunted and hunter reverse roles.
Posted April 11, 2000

Angola: The Legal Ordeal of Rafael Marques A defamation case that pitted Angola’s government against its press.
Last posted March 31, 2000
Putin’s Media War: Independent Press Under Siege in Russia. By Emma Gray.
Posted March 16, 2000
Babitsky’s “Crime” and Punishment by Robert Coalson
The Putin government’s shameful treatment of journalist Andrei Babitsky is part of a worrisome authoritarian trend.
Posted February 28, 2000
Pakistan: The Press for Change:  A Special Report by Kavita Menon.
Posted February 7, 2000
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