Attacks on the Press in 2013: Asia

Front-line reports and analytical essays by CPJ experts cover an array of topics of critical importance to journalists. Governments store transactional data and the content of journalists’ communications. Media and money engage in a tug of war, with media owners reluctant to draw China’s disfavor and advertisers able to wield surprising clout. In Syria, journalists are determined to distribute the news amid the chaos of conflict. In Vietnam, the government makes a heavy-handed bid to bring the Internet under control. And globally, eliminating witnesses has become an all too easy method of stymying justice when journalists are assassinated.


(AFP/Mandy Cheng)

Media owners’ reluctance to draw China’s disfavor imperils the ability of the Hong Kong and Taiwanese press to play a watchdog role.
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As they look toward the next era of uncertainty, reporters in Afghanistan express a sense of determination to build on what they have achieved.
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A mushrooming blogosphere has challenged the state’s media monopoly, drawing a heavy-handed bid to bring the Internet under government control.

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41Attacks on journalists
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4 Bloggers arrested
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1.07%Internet penetration

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32 Journalists in prison
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136 Days in prison
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22 Journalists fled

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5 Killed in 2013
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3rd Impunity Index rating
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Sri Lanka

4th Impunity Index ranking

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10 Journalists killed since 1992
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18 Jailed journalists

Country reports in this chapter were written and researched by CPJ Asia Program Coordinator Bob Dietz, CPJ Asia Program Research Associate Sumit Galhotra, and Bangkok-based Senior Southeast Asia Representative Shawn W. Crispin.

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