CJR: Singapore not so modern on press freedom

Singapore twice fined the Dow Jones-owned Wall Street Journal Asia over its editorials. (AP)

Singapore twice fined the Dow Jones-owned Wall Street Journal Asia over its editorials. (AP)

Singapore is a rich country with a surprisingly poor press freedom record—so says a story out this week in the Columbia Journalism Review. CPJ’s own findings point to a series of court fines and damages awarded over slights to the country’s government by major international papers like The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. The ruling Lee family protects its image fiercely, and through the court system. Justin D. Martin writes in CJR, “What Singapore’s overseers don’t seem to grasp is that without a press free to monitor power and challenge wrongdoing, even otherwise ‘developed’ countries suffer greatly.” Read the rest of his story here.

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