


Azerbaijani court sentences editor to eight years in prison

New York, April 5, 2013–An Azerbaijani court has sentenced the editor of a religious news website to eight years in prison on charges related to his coverage of events involving the Muslim community. The Committee to Protect Journalists considers the charges to be fabricated and calls on the courts to overturn the conviction on appeal.

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In Somalia, police claim questions in reported killing

New York, April 5, 2013–Police in Somalia say they have been holding a woman in custody for much of this week after they say questions were raised about the veracity of reports that a journalist was fatally shot in Mogadishu on March 24.

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Freelance Togolese journalist attacked in hit-and-run

Lagos, Nigeria, April 4, 2013–The Committee to Protect Journalists today called on authorities in Togo to investigate an apparently deliberate hit-and-run attack Wednesday on freelance photojournalist and videographer Koffi Djidonou Frédéric Attipou. 

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CPJ condemns effort to silence news coverage of Syria

New York, April 4, 2013–A Kuwait-based Syrian businessman has announced a monetary reward for any individuals who capture and turn over to security forces journalists affiliated with the pan-Arab channels Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya, according to news reports. The Committee to Protect Journalists called the announcement a deplorable effort to silence news coverage that is critical…

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Bangladeshi bloggers form a human chain to protest the detention of their colleagues. (AFP/Munir uz Zaman)

Four bloggers arrested amid crackdown in Bangladesh

New York, April 4, 2013–The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned by the recent arrests of four Bangladeshi bloggers in Dhaka in connection with their Internet posts that police said hurt the religious beliefs of people.

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The National Communications Council suspended Ruben Malick Djoumbissie, host of Canal 2tective, for three months. The investigative TV show has been banned indefinitely. (Canal 2 International)

Cameroon bans five broadcast programs, suspends hosts

New York, April 3, 2013–In a wave of censorship, Cameroon has indefinitely banned two TV programs for what regulators considered violent content and another three radio programs on vague charges of ethics violations, according to news reports. The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the move, which also includes the suspension of at least seven journalists.

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CPJ alarmed by investigation of its consultant in Egypt

New York, April 2, 2013–The Committee to Protect Journalists is alarmed by news reports that its Middle East consultant, Shaimaa Abulkhair, would be investigated by national security prosecutors in Egypt for comments she made about the widely criticized criminal case against satirist Bassem Youssef.

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A man shovels snow on the destroyed Yalu bridge, right, next to the Friendship Bridge linking China and North Korea. (AP/Aritz Parra)

Chinese editor suspended for op-ed on North Korea ties

New York, April 2, 2013–An editor for an influential Chinese Communist Party journal said Monday he was suspended after his column appeared in a British publication calling on China to re-evaluate its relations with North Korea, according to news reports.

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Uzbekistan should free editor to receive medical care

New York, April 2, 2013–The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the ongoing imprisonment of independent Uzbek editor Muhammad Bekjanov, whose health has severely deteriorated in jail, and urges authorities to immediately release him so that he may receive medical care. Bekjanov and a colleague, both of whom were jailed in 1999, have been in prison…

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(Boukary Daou)

Malian journalist Boukary Daou released on bail

New York, April 2, 2013–The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes today’s decision by a judge in Mali to grant bail to a journalist who was jailed for 27 days in connection with his paper’s publication of a letter critical of a military leader. CPJ calls on the public prosecutor to drop the charges against Boukary…

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