Musab Mahmood al-Ezawi

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Senior correspondent Musad Mahmood al-Ezawi and cameramen Ahmed Salim and Ihab Mu’d were kidnapped along with their driver, Qaydar Sulaiman, while working in the Al-Zanjali district of Mosul, Al-Sharqiya television said in a statement.

Their bodies were later found in Al-Borsa district, a short
distance from the kidnapping, a local journalist told CPJ. The journalist said
that all the victims were in their 20s.

While five crew members were in a house filming, the three
journalists and their driver were kidnapped by armed men, the local journalist
told CPJ. The crew was filming a report on a family breaking the Ramadan fast.

The station transferred the five surviving crew members to
Arbil, about 60 miles (100 kilometers) east of Mosul, after the attack, the
journalist said.