


Thai officials close 13 radio stations, detain staff

Bangkok, April 27, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists strongly condemns the closure by government authorities of at least 13 community radio stations in Thailand and calls on the government to cease its campaign of harassment against opposition-aligned media immediately.

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How the U.S. should raise human rights in China dialogue

One day ahead of two-day bilateral talks with the U.S., China’s Foreign Ministry rejected what it labeled “interference” in the country’s internal affairs under the rubric of human rights, according to international news reports. Despite this obstructionist tone, CPJ hopes that Washington officials, led by Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor Michael Posner,…

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Another Lanka eNews journalist arrested

New York, April 25, 2011–Police arrested a journalist with the independent Sri Lankan news website Lanka eNews today, according to local news reports. CPJ has called on the United Nations and the international diplomatic community this year to respond to a series of uninvestigated attacks targeting the outspoken site. 

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Novaya Gazeta, a leading Russian independent news outlet, has been under cyber-attack.

Cyber-attacks on press up in number, down in cost

The last two weeks have seen a spate of denial-of-service (DOS) attacks against news sites, coordinated attempts to overwhelm outlets with fake incoming data so the sites cannot respond to legitimate users.

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News assistants in China: an invisible, important group

Among the first concerns a journalist may have on coming to China as a foreign correspondent is how to communicate with the Chinese people, the majority of whom do not speak a word of English. Finding a “news assistant” is usually the answer.

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Pakistani journalists demonstrated in January after the killing of TV reporter Wali Khan Babar in Karachi. (AP/Shakil Adil)

Another journalist targeted in Karachi as violence surges

New York, April 21, 2011–An outburst of violence took the lives of at least 20 people in a bomb blast and targeted attacks in Karachi on Wednesday and Thursday. The huge port city of more than 13 million people is caught in a gangland-style turf war made worse by sectarian and political conflict, according to…

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Cheema (Pauline Eiferman)

Umar Cheema: ‘Their efforts to intimidate me backfired’

On September 4, 2010, Pakistani journalist Umar Cheema was abducted as he was going home after a dinner with friends near Islamabad. He was held captive for more than six hours, during which he was tortured by masked individuals. He was told to stop criticizing the government in the articles he wrote for the English-language…

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Jose Pavia, press freedom champion, dies at 72

Jose Pavia, a veteran journalist and tireless press freedom advocate, died on April 18 in the Philippines. Pavia, known simply as “JLP” among his friends and journalist colleagues, was a key partner in CPJ’s Global Campaign Against Impunity. He was 72 and had been battling cancer.

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Michael Posner said he does not feel comforted from the response or lack of response on the recent detention of Ai Weiwei, seen here. (AP/Andy Wong)

Site hosting Ai Weiwei petition hit with cyberattack is back up and running after what the site said was a cyberattack that came from within China. Here’s the site’s announcement that was running on its homepage earlier today:

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Ahead of election, cyber-attacks cripple online media

Bangkok, April 19, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned by cyber-attacks against three news and commentary sites that preceded Saturday’s important election in Malaysia’s Sarawak state, on the island of Borneo. The country’s main news portal Malaysiakini,  Sarawak Report, and the Malay and English versions of the opposition Harakahdaily website all reported similar attacks.…

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