CPJ Insider: World Press Freedom Day edition

May 3 marks World Press Freedom Day

CPJ’s (front row, beginning third from left) Doja Daoud, Jodie Ginsberg, Gypsy Guillen Kaiser and CPJ board member Jon Williams stand with other reporters and news leaders at a moment of silence for Gaza journalists on April 19. (Photo: Courtesy of International Journalism Festival)

Press freedom is your freedom.

This year, as half the world heads to the polls, as protest movements grow, and as climate risks intensify, we need journalists and journalism more than ever. Keeping journalists safe ensures that we can make informed decisions in a rapidly changing world.

We urgently ask for your support as we continue to champion press freedom wherever journalists are most vulnerable.

We hope you’ll help by supporting us for World Press Freedom Day on Friday, May 3.

Donate here: https://cpj.org/WPFD-donate

#WPFD #WorldPressFreedomDay #PressFreedom

ICYMI: How you helped journalists in 2023

CPJ is effective. When we utilize the tools of journalism to assist journalists all over the world, that effort has a far-reaching impact. Keeping journalists safe and safeguarding their crucial work helps citizens stay informed and hold governing powers to account.

In case you missed it, we wanted to reshare our latest infographic which takes a look at the many ways you helped journalists in 2023. Thank you for being a part of our ongoing work and mission to keep journalists safe. After all, press freedom is your freedom

CPJ welcomes the Village School to our New York HQ

(Photo: Courtesy of Naomi Pestana)

Last month, CPJ welcomed a middle school broadcast journalism class from Waldwick, New Jersey’s The Village School to our headquarters in New York for a presentation and discussion about press freedom.

Naomi Pestana, who serves as the school’s Broadcast Journalism teacher and adviser of the Village School News (VSN-TV), wrote to say that students “were surprised by things we discussed, such as spyware and how the work you do helps imprisoned journalists get money for basic needs such as food and soap.” CPJ’s presentation, with Emergencies Director Lucy Westcott, offered a glimpse into our assistance work, and the efforts CPJ takes to safeguard journalists all over the world. Students are planning to write letters of support to jailed Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and will celebrate World Press Freedom Day on May 3, which coincides with the school’s “International Day.”


CPJ was deeply saddened by the death of journalist Terry Anderson, our former vice chair and honorary chairman. Anderson had served as a journalist with The Associated Press and was held hostage in Lebanon for six years. “Terry was part of the CPJ family for over 25 years,” said CPJ Board Chair Jacob Weisberg. “He took that responsibility seriously – joining CPJ to advocate on behalf of journalists at risk around the world at the highest levels.”

CPJ spoke with Bahram Sintash, the son of Uyghur journalist and editor Qurban Mamut, about his efforts to secure the release of his father, who was swept up in China’s 2017 crackdown on Uyghurs and other mostly Muslim ethnic groups. Sintash joined the U.S. Congress-funded Radio Free Asia in 2020 to be a “voice of voiceless Uyghurs.”  “I couldn’t remain silent; I had to speak the truth,” Sintash told CPJ. “My mindset became open, ready to face any challenge.

One year into Sudan’s civil war between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), Sudan’s journalists face grave threats, according to a new CPJ feature. Many journalists have been unable to report due to communications blackouts and others have been assaulted, arrested, or forced into exile: At least 50 Sudanese journalists have requested support from CPJ, including those who have already fled the country and those trying to flee.

CPJ in the news

The Israeli Censorship Regime Is Growing. That Needs to Stop,” The New York Times

What can be done to protect journalists in Israel-Hamas war,” PBS Newshour

Nigeria’s cybercrime reforms leave journalists at risk,” Al Jazeera

‘Journalism is not a crime’: Joe Biden backs Evan Gershkovich, US journalist jailed in Russia a year ago,” The Independent

Why Bollywood is cranking out pro-government films ahead of India’s election,” The Christian Science Monitor

Panel of journalists calls on Taliban to lift Facebook ban in Afghanistan,” The Times of India

Tunisian Journalist Critical of President Jailed for Defamation,” Yahoo! News

CPJ slams assault of Malawi sports reporter,” APA News

American RFE/RL reporter marks 6 months jailed in Russia,” Voice of America “Haiti’s journalists appeal for help amid increasing threats, country’s unraveling,” Miami Herald

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