News Wrap for 8/4/2008

With the opening ceremony of the 2008 Summer Olympic Games only four days away, attention in the news media continues to center on the issues of openness and freedom in China. The Miami Herald has an editorial in today’s edition of the paper that wonders if the Chinese government can escape the grip of “their old, restrictive practices.”

The Guardian also ran an editorial over the weekend discussing whether China’s reversal on limiting Internet access is nothing more than the first small step in a very long journey toward unrestricted media freedom.

In a story on Sunday, The Associated Press reports on the news that Olympic protesters have been told they must register five days in advance to protect “national interests.”

Also on Sunday, The Associated Press released the newest version of “Iraq by the numbers,” a regular report that outlines various statistics from the war, including the number of journalists killed, which they put at 130–the same number tallied by CPJ.

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