Police raid TV station

APRIL 17, 2007
Posted April 24, 2007

Tolo TV


The station’s chief, Saad Mohseni, said 50 police officers raided Tolo’s main office in Kabul at 7 p.m., seizing three staff members and bringing them to Attorney General Abdul Jabar Sabet’s office. Sabet had complained of a clip on Tolo’s 6 p.m. news broadcast, which he claimed was inaccurate and misrepresented his comments at an earlier press conference, Mohseni said. Tolo is the biggest private TV network in Afghanistan.

According to The Associated Press, four AP employees who were observing the raid from outside were also detained. Several of the detainees were kicked or punched by police. The seven were taken to Sabit’s office, where they were questioned for about 40 minutes and released without charge. They were offered no explanation for their detention and told to leave, AP reported.

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