Committee to Protect Journalists

Dangerous Assignments The Imperative of Personal Security Training for Journalists

Who: Terry Anderson, Honorary Co-Chair of the Committee to Protect Journalists, former AP Bureau Chief in Beirut; Chris Cramer, president of CNN International Networks, author of Hostage, a first-hand account of the 1980 Iranian Embassy siege, where he was held hostage; Robert Klamser, Executive Director, Crisis Consulting International, a non-profit organization providing security, crisis management, training, risk assessment and hostage negotiation services to the international non-profit community; Charles Rogers, Director Corporate Security, World Vision International, specializes in security for relief workers during war and complex emergencies. Rogers has authored a guide called, “A Shield About Me: A Security Handbook for World Vision Staff.”

Sherry Ricchiardi, senior writer for American Journalism Review, will moderate.

National Press Club Forum on “Dangerous Assignments-The Imperative of Personal Security Training for Journalists.” At this Forum, security experts and journalists will discuss the need for mandatory security training and offer basic information on security in the field.

Where: National Press Club
529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor
Washington D.C. 20045

When: Date: April 29, 2002
Time: 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.

Why: The kidnapping and brutal murder of the Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl have brought to the forefront the deadly hazards journalists face covering the world’s most desperate and dangerous areas. Over the last 15 months, 40 journalists have been killed, including nine since the war on terrorism was launched five months ago, according to The Committee to Protect Journalists. There is little doubt that journalists no longer operate under a shield of protection.

Contact: Julie Schoo
(202) 662-7507

RSVP: (202) 662-7501

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